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Tax Tips & News


Mindset and dealing with the effects of news upon us

I have attached a link to an article by Tim Price, an investment manager I follow that considers about how we see the world and how it conditions our actions.  I found this to be quite profound and reflects some of my own experiences. These thoughts are framed within the Brexit debate (no opinion offered…Read More

Helping start-up businesses

I seem to have seen more people starting up in business this year than I can remember.  As always the optimism is tremendous.  People come to me to ask about tax.   I am happy to answer them but I hope I send them away with so much more. I met Corinne this week, a young…Read More

Why some landlords have never had it so good

I noticed this article in the Times over the weekend and thought it would appeal to any of our property investor clients thinking about incorporation for their property business.  There is some good commentary on the issue and some good news on lenders working with the incorporated sector. I hope you find this helpful.  If…Read More

Do You Know Your Value Chain?

Many companies become low margin operations through fear of competition with the result that a high proportion never achieve their owners hopes and aspirations. Why is this?    One reason is failing to recognise what the business or the owner is good at and what they are not.   They do not understand where they create value…Read More

Time is fast running out for UK businesses!

Don’t you just love the UK Government?  UK businesses are just getting over the huge cost and upheaval from the Automatic Enrolment regime and now we have another one to deal with. You’ll love this. They call it ‘Making Tax Digital’. Of course we don’t yet know exactly how it works, because as you know,…Read More

Reward yourself

Here at Robert A Harris & Co, we have a very special idea for you.  This one combines genuine tax relievable business expenditure with a system to reward you personally for doing business. There are some reasons for looking at this service: Once you join the online platform you can both advertise your business to…Read More

Foreign Exchange Blues

Many People have the foreign exchange Blues right now!  Is this You? We can all see how the pound has suffered on the foreign exchange markets.  Businesses importing goods for processing and/or resale into the United Kingdom are suffering very badly from the loss of value of the pound against the US$ and the Euro. …Read More

Are you feeling generous?

As a company Director you could be saving tax on your generosity. Read this article to find out more  

The war on property investors goes on.

For those that were not aware the Finance Act 2016 received Royal Assent last month. One of the more interesting items that got through the Finance Bill without little fanfare was the changes to UK property development/land transactions. In effect the Finance Act confirms the tax treatment of UK land/property is subject to income tax…Read More

What can Business Learn from GB’s Olympic Success?

Many people think that Lottery money was the reason for our success – new facilities, the ability to train harder without fears of how to pay the bills.  This was only a small part of the answer. I heard a radio item over the weekend where one of the guests pointed out how British athletes were now…Read More

VAT Partial Exemption Challenges

An interesting read regarding VAT Partial Exemption Challenges

Has your bank fallen out of love with you?

If you have been asked to close your bank account and do not know why, you may have been the victim of a state-sponsored injustice. Under the guise of the anti-money-laundering regulations, banks have been getting away with all sorts of incompetence, resulting in innocent people being declared potential criminals behind their back and without…Read More

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